The book has the potential to destroy the user's mind when they try to rewrite world events based on an ideal of perfection. However, the long-term effect of this phenomenon was never elaborated on. This means that the user can no longer freely manipulate their memories. If the user is completely self-absorbed and uses the book for nothing but personal gain, all memories will be completely wiped from the pages. The Book of Memories seems to have a semblance of sentience or at least a predetermined standard for regulating karmic balance. Until then, she has been using the Book as nothing more than a diary. It is also implied that the main canon universe Michelle Valdez finds her own Book of Memories and realizes its power to change reality.

Vincent Smith was researching them and discovered Dahlia Gillespie sent them to Wish House Orphanage. These Books imbue the writer with God's will. In actuality, there are multiple Books of Memories. When they awaken, they find themselves in an Otherworld-like dungeon, sent to areas that represent the guardians of people they have relationships with, pleasant or otherwise. Curious, the protagonist decides to change some memories before falling asleep. The protagonist opens the book and finds that all of their memories are written in it. Howard Blackwood, the local mailman, assures the player that the book was meant for them before he departs. The protagonist receives it on their birthday from an unknown sender. The Book of Memories is major plot device in Silent Hill: Book of Memories.